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We are so happy that you're here! We are a home-grown, afterschool program for junior high students (grades 6-8) in Baldwin City, Kansas and its surrounding areas. Born from a heart for our community, and the need for a safe place for our students to go after school, our organization aims to fill a gap that many of us in Baldwin City have identified and wish to address.

We believe that social-emotional health and a passion for learning starts with our youth, and our dream is to reach as many students as possible and strive for a better future for our community together!  

What We Still Need...

There's still so much left to do, and we need your help to achieve our dream! Click through the slides to see some of the ways you can join the mission and make the Baldwin City Youth Club a reality!
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Tell Your Story Fundraiser! | TBD 


Come join us at the Baldwin City Junior High Performing Arts Center for a night of fun and storytelling to raise funds for the future of our students!

Stay in the loop and subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

Be among the first to learn about updates, announcements for upcoming events and fundraisers, and the kick-off for registration! 

Thank you so much for subscribing to our monthly newsletter! Be on the lookout for your copy the last Friday of every month.

"THE MISSION of Baldwin City Youth Club is to provide a safe and accessible after school space for adolescents from Baldwin City and its surrounding communities to engage with peers, have fun, learn impactful life skills, and invest in their education, giving them the tools they need to build their identities, their families, and their community."

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